Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I don't remember if I had mentioned this, but I have been exhausted and hungry lately. Not the kind of exhausted where your eyelids are heavy because you didn't get enough sleep last night--no, the type of exhausted where you are constantly weary and can't even stay awake to do your homework. And not just hungry... I've been a vegetarian for 12 years, but the last two weeks, I've been craving red meat... But whenever I eat anything, I get more tired. Along with that, my foot has been in pain (unexplainably) for the last week.
So tomorrow its off to the dr. I can't remember ever being excited for my blood to get drawn, but if it means finding out how my iron and vitamin D levels are doing--I'm down with it.
Pray if you will. School is hard--not insane, but not a breeze. I'm a little over half way done with this quarter, but I just need more of His grace.
On a happier [?] note... I was talking with my mom today and it dawned on me that I only have 4 more quarters as an undergrad... isn't that crazy? Time flies! I register for spring quarter in a few weeks. But after that, the next time I register will be as a senior. Wow!

I should probably go do my homework now, but I will let you know how things turn out....


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