Hello, I have few bits of graduate school news to share with you...
So, the most significant thing this week is that I turned in the first drafted chapter of my thesis! It's actually not the first chronological chapter--I'll probably be writing that last; it's a chapter from the body and will probably chapter 3 of 4. It ended up being about 18 pages long and just over 6,000 words. I can't believe it's there. actually there. on the page. There were many times this spring and summer where I looked at many aspects of my life and thought "I don't know how I'm gonna make it..." I definitely wondered how I could possibly do the necessary research
and write this chapter. But here it is. I don't know if it's any good yet, but it's here :) I'll be meeting with my adviser next week and hopefully will have some good feedback because...
That chapter is doing double-duty as a conference paper next month, PAMLA. I've already shared my
paper proposal on here, but the official schedule has come out and I now have the
link to the comparative media panel I'm on! I am also super grateful to have won their (small, but significant) graduate student scholarship. One can kind of wonder if they were accepted to a panel just because there was no one else applying, but this wonderful honor makes me feel like they actually want me there, which is lovely!
This week I also heard back from a similar proposal I made for an adaptation panel at the Pop Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA). Their national conference is in March and it's in Seattle, plus this particular conference is almost like an academic conference meets a fan convention - so I reeeally wanted to present at this conference. Well...I'm in! The panel chair sent such an encouraging email and I'm so looking forward to attending in the Spring. Here was my PCA/ACA proposal:
“Novel” Media: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and
Horizontal Adaptation
paper explores the definition of adaptation as a horizontal, formal move by looking
at The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. This Emmy-award winning, transmedia retelling
of Pride and Prejudice set as a vlog in modern day California—told in “real-time”
across platforms including YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr—provokes questions
about our framework for adaptation.
Until now, most adaptation theory has been defined in the vertical
terms of “layering texts” or of “palimpsest.” While the vertical is
significant, this paper argues for a definition of adaptation that include the
horizontal dimension, that of narrative’s historical continuum. Bolter and Grusin refer to new media as “refashioned…versions
of other media” (Remediation 14). For
new media adaptations, they refashion, thereby reclaiming the novels that inspired
them. They repurpose the novel forms of
the 18th and 19th centuries, such as fictional
autobiographies and epistolary or serialized novels. This allows us to re-experience both the plot
and what was once an emerging, “novel” media.
Just as Austen’s novel was not only arguing for
proto-feminism and against classism but also for the very form of the novel, The
Lizzie Bennet Diaries is not merely making claims about female friendships
or stereotyping but that adaptation through transmedia is a valid form,
participating in what John Fiske refers to as “culture making” and Robert Stam
calls an “ongoing dialogical process.” As
a new avenue for adaptation opens, it sheds light on the horizontal facet of
So grateful for every chance I get to dialogue through these intriguing questions. Here's to many more conversations about Jane Austen :)