Saturday, September 18, 2010

Summer News:

Well, school starts back up in a week and a half--and i can hardly wait! I wish it was this Wednesday rather than next!
I'm entering my last week at the clinic. Strange. I feel like I'm shutting a huge door to an old season of my life-not a bad one at all! But I can sense like He's opening and closing doors all over the place. So many new things!
And He's pushing me into new relationships-which is so necessary and SOOO much fun!
I just have to confess, I've been pretty bad! I've only finished two books this summer =( yikes!
You'd never guess which ones either. Haha... prepare to laugh:
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carrol
and... Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
So... kind of three. But still, "I am ashamed."
But... right now, I'm a little over half way through The Overton Window by Glenn Beck. I had forgotten what it was like to be "in" a book. I think this must be what being in a relationship is like. When I am "in" a book, I can't think of much else. I would rather read than eat or sleep (two of my absolute favorite activities). I have to talk to other people about the book. I plan my whole day on "how can i find 20 minutes to read a bit more?" Basically, I fall in love with the book.
And I forgot what that feels like... until this book. I love it!

Alright... I'm going to stop talking now. haha... goodnight lovelies!
What have you read this summer?

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