Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So, i've been given these thoughts. i don't know exactly what to do with them or how to express them. i'm not very fond of my own writing... i think it's because i've read so many beautiful things - i know what i want writing to sound like (and i fall short of that). 

But i've been encouraged to write. to get my thoughts out. so i thought i would allow some to leak out here. 

I guess i have a few reasons for creating a blog right now. well, to begin with, i have a tendency to waste time on-line. i deactivated my facebook because of it. but i think this is different. i think this is constructive. but it will also provide some of the outlet i enjoyed on facebook...

Another reason for this little blog is that i am losing a piece of my best friend. in just a matter of days, she will exchange vows with one of the most amazing men on earth and go to start a life with him... but i will lose all the time i had to just talk with her. to tell her about my class or a funny scenario on the bus or how i felt at work. i won't be able to go out to the kitchen and ask her advice on what i'm experiencing. so this blog will help me recover some of that... words help me process things - and this will be where i'll place the words that don't seem to have any other home. 

i hope you enjoy...

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