Wednesday, July 25, 2012

portlandia in pictures

So, a few weeks back two of my good friends (one old, one new =) took a weekend trip to Portland. What a fabulous time we had! Yummy food, meaningful conversations, great books, British theatre, and two amazing ladies--what more could a girl ask for? =)

Though I'd share just a few shots with you:
[First stop =]

[So grateful for these two!]

[fun restaurant they were in he process of creating--had to take a peek]
[Sherlock moment! "I'm Sherlock Holmes and I always work alone because no one can compete with my MASSIVE INTELLECT!!!"]

[reading at St. Honore's]

[such a favorite]

[yum! They take French baking seriously--even their oven bricks come from France]

[Lois lovely with a favorite]

[fun and delicious pizzas]


[the writer]

Can't wait to plan another trip to Portland, but for now, I have a stack of books from Powell's to work through and some lovely memories to ponder on. Parfait!

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