Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is there even a word for someone who is the positive to the negative terms "racist" or "sexist"? I mean, seriously. Yes, there are words like "tolerant" and "aware," but they lack power and specificity. People are so quick to dash about and accuse everyone of being racist or sexist. "There's not enough representation of x, y, and z on television." "This add so belittles women." And on and on...

But have any of these people--so quick to judge everyone else's ethics--in all their pondering and creating new ways to condemn people, have they ever settled on a term of what they're trying to achieve?

And if "feminism" and "multiculturalism" are what they're trying to achieve, then they've got it all wrong. Hating men on the one side and losing national identity on the other won't give them what they want. But they are so quick to focus on the negative, to look for evil that I don't think they even know what they're aiming at.

I'm sorry... that was a bit of a rant. I'm writing a paper write now when the thought struck me, "How do I define something that has overcome racism and sexism? I CAN'T!" hahaha... getting back to my paper now :)

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