Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I've been working on my final paper and my mind is just swirling around with so many messy, incomplete, yet beautiful thoughts about Austen's critique of society. I am struggling mostly with organizing my arguments in a convincing way. I have been genuinely very surprised to discover how conservative most critics regard her as. I have always seen her as someone who opened the door for social critique and social reform and that is what I'm arguing for in my paper. But it's been challenging because the critics I disagree with, I have so much respect for.

The other hard part of writing on something I'm so passionate about, is not getting swept up into the beauty of the language or the moments of intensely beautiful romance.
I don't know how well I'm succeeding....

I am working specifically with Pride and Prejudice, and the story is just so incredibly rich--as much emotionally and romantically as it is politically and socially. I have re-read vast portions, which is my fourth reading, and I feel like I'm just beginning to pick up on details. eg... do you have any idea how often the word "opinion" is used or how significant it is? I'm quite blown away.
Everyone loves Elizabeth and Darcy, as do I. But, I feel like people like them for so many superficial reasons rather than what they represent. I don't know, maybe its just me reading too much literary criticism.

extra credit: who knows Darcy's first name? hehe :)

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