Thursday, June 13, 2013


There are some seasons in life where everything is steady.
It's when you're saving for something, taking in ideas & input, you're waiting and just holding steady.

But then there are times when things actually happen.

And then there are specific times when a lot of things happen all at once.
Like you were waiting for all of these changes and BAM!

And it's amazing!
It just means my emotional capacity is getting stretched. 
It means overwhelming emotions.  Sobbing on the kitchen floor.  Silent screams in the bathroom at work.  Crying laughing.  All of the above.

All these things are finally happening!
The wait is nearly over.
It's like having the ticket in hand for a long awaited journey.

It's like the fireworks show is about to go off!


  1. Beautiful images!!! And you're kind of killing me with the ambiguity and excitement...

    1. Thanks! All will come out in due time...

      And, no, I'm not in a relationship (not *those* kind of fireworks ;)

  2. That said... I'm glad you are capturing this amazing in-between moment. And you captured it well.

  3. SAMARA!!! BAHH! Apparently we need to chat! And SO happy for you, my friend! Can't wait to hear all about it and celebrate with you!! Love you!
