Saturday, September 21, 2013

A few from my current playlist.

// Follow me
You can follow me
I will keep you safe
Follow me
You can follow me
I will protect you //

// The sound of the branches breaking under your feet
The smell of the falling and burning leaves
The bitterness of winter
Or the sweetness of spring
You are an artist
And your heart is your masterpiece
And I’ll keep it safe //

// And with outstretched arms
I will sing out melodies
And my beating heart
Will pour out a symphony
Hallelujah's in the morning
Hallelujah's in the night
I will wait for you as long as I have life //

// I heard the distant battle drum
The mockingbird spoke in tongues
Longing for the day to come
I set my face, forsook my fears
I saw the city through my tears
The darkness soon will disappear
And be swallowed by the sun //

// Sing it out
Sing it out
Take what is left of me
And make it a melody //

** Sorry for any of the vids with weird visuals... just listen to the song :)

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