Friday, June 24, 2011

I really miss my long hair and my layers.
I'm not able to go get a new haircut right now, but I've been looking for new ways to do my hair.
Today's feat: the fishtail braid.
It is far from what I hoped it would look like and i don't think you're supposed to need as many bobby-pins as I used, but I like it. I like that it is different. I like that it looks like actually did something with my hair. And I like that it simple!
It would look way better with my hair down, but I'll have to wait till tomorrow to try that.
Oh... one other thing I've really been missing: my lipstick.
The bag that had my burt's bees, lipliner, lipstick and a few other essentials went missing a while back :(
Part of the sadness: the bag was my favorite little bag and a high school graduation present from my sister.
Major sadness: I lost my lipstick :(
I had this lovely color, "Bellini" by BE.
I just need to suck it up and buy some more. But you know that "what if I find it" feeling?
Oh well...

Is there anything you're missing right now?

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I need to grow out my hair so I can experiment.
