Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cette blog serait en Francais (sans accents, parce qu'il y n'a pas accents en blogger). Donc je peux faire mes devoirs et me amusanter a le meme temps:

Quand j'etais seize, j'ai alle a l'Italie pour onze jours. J'ai alle avec mes amis et nos chaperones. Nous avons alle a Rom, Florence, Venice, et Assisi. Il etait tres tres beau! J'aime que les Italiens adorent beaucoup d'art. Ils ont des sculptures, des architectures, des peintures, des fresques, et des mosaiques. Nous avons vu le "David," le Palais de Doge, le Bascillica de Saint Peter, le Duomo de Florence, et le Ponte Vecchio. J'adore vraiment le Ponte Vecchio. C'est tres super!

: )


  1. Wow, that is so good!! So true and amen!!
    Go there, wow!!
    P.S. I have no idea what you just said! ;)

  2. Haha... i thought you'd like this one...

    the beginning just says: "This blog will be in French (without accents, because there are no accents on blogger). So I can do my homework and have fun at the same time..." And then I was just describing Italia :)

    Someday... you should take french. Then you and Elsa and Madison and Braden and I can have french movie nights! I'm working with a guy right now who's from France so I have someone to practice with. Anyway... ce serais super cool! :)

  3. YES!!!!
    I want to learn French with all my heart. Is it very hard?
    And yes someday we will do that movie night!! :)

  4. It can be challenging. The program I am in is done through immersion, so the teacher teaches in French from day 1. I pretty frequently *feel* like i'm way behind. But then i'm surprised with how much i've picked up. It is definitely MUCH easier to read than to speak. You have to totally re-train your pronunciation... but it is lot's of fun!

    "Ou en Francais, si vous prefere," ( -Braveheart)
    C'est beaucoup d'amusement. = )

  5. i was just gonna say- so strange to hear you speaking of Italy, in French..... strange, but fun!
