Monday, August 8, 2011

So I got my book list for fall quarter and, while there will be a lot of reading, I am very happy.
Most exciting are the books for my class on the novel:
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (I've been wanting to read this for a while)
- Hard Times by Charles Dickens (which I've read and loved)
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (also read)
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (another I've wanted to read)
So, at least in that class, it should be a quarter of loveliness!

Jane Eyre has been on my mind a lot lately. I watched An Education this weekend, which incorporates a lot from Jane Eyre. Then my good friend Stephanie shared this proposal story with me. They are both really good friends of Stephanie's and they have the cutest story. Warning, you may want tissues:

The Date


How we got engaged

The couple went to see the film Jane Eyre (based off of Charlote Bronte's novel of the same name) earlier in the year, and Leslie thought it would be a nice summer read. It had taken her forever, but dear Mike had heard her talk about best parts for hours on end, and listened to her quote the most amazing lines. Friday, July 29, Leslie finished reading it and felt incredibly accomplished

Saturday the 30th the couple worked out and then went their separate ways. A friend of theirs was in town, and so for the first time in a month Leslie was not expecting anything to happen. As far as she knew, she would be in her pajamas all day until the boys were hungry.

Leslie had mentioned earlier that she needed some milk and after texting Mike with, "I'm bored." after four hours of mindless facebooking, Mike said he would come pick her up. She proceeded to get ready, expecting nothing, and walked into her kitchen to see his car in the driveway. She lives in a renovated attic and has a stunning deck overlooking the backyard with wood steps. Leslie walked out on the deck, and noticed he wasn't getting out of the car.

She walked down the stairs and met him halfway (now, dear reader, imagine the sun shining on a summer's day at approximately 5:30 in the afternoon, simply beautiful) and he handed her a copy of Jane Eyre with the greeting, "this is for you!" Leslie gave him a hug (still both on the stairs) and noticed his heart beating abnormally. Then he said to open the front cover.

There he had written the line from when Mr. Rochester proposes to Jane in the novel, along with other snippets of the most romantic verses.

The inscription read:

"I offer you my hand, my heart, and a share of all my possessions...I ask you to pass through life at my side--to be my second self, and best earthly companion. My bride is here because my equal is here, and my likeness. Leslie, will you marry me?"

She said yes.

Ah! I just love it! Hope you have a beautiful day!

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